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Brasil (SOBRASA) e Portugal (ISN) apresentam 38 trabalhos científicos na Conferencia Mundial de Prevenção em Afogamentos na Malasia

Em parceria, Brasil, representado pela SOBRASA, e Portugal representado pelo Instituto de Socorro a Náufragos(ISN), com um time de 12 pesquisadores e guarda-vidas estão partindo nesta próxima semana a Conferencia Mundial de Prevenção em Afogamento.

38 trabalhos científicos desenvolvidos por guarda-vidas e pesquisadores na área foram submetidos e aceitos a serem apresentados no evento mais importante nesta área no mundo.

De forma inédita, SOBRASA, ISN e IDRA deram o suporte a pesquisa a todos os guarda-vidas e Nadadores-Salvadores interessados em responder suas questões de forma cientifica.

A Dra Ana Catarina Queiroga, pesquisadora na área de afogamento, deu orientação cientifica a todos os trabalhos, ajudando na parte da seleção da questão principal e seu objetivo, na metodologia, nos resultados e finalizando a conclusão.

Parabéns a todos, isto é um imenso passo a língua Portuguesa e nossa contribuição cada vez maior para reduzir os afogamentos no mundo.

1. Drowning Chain of Survival – Szpilman; Webber; Quan; Bierens; Morizot-Leite; Langendorfer; Beerman Task Force SUBMITTED Jonathon (Oral)
2. Exploring the Use of Internet Tools for Drowning Prevention, Rescue and Treatment. William Koon, David Szpilman, Justin Semprott – Partnership
ISLA & Lifeguard without Boarders – Willian, Szpilman, and Sempsrott – Oral
3. Drowning prevention – different scenarios needs customization water safety messages and actions – Szpilman, Barroso, Barros, Mocellin, Figueiredo, Smicelato, Trindade, Vasconcellos, Schinda, Villela, Luiz Monteiro, Morato, Lopes – Oral.
4. Drowning prevention Seeders – a web tool for free – Szpilman e SOBRASA BOD – Poster
5. Analyses Of Drowning Deaths In Brazil Over The Last 34 Years Reveal A Sharp Decline – Szpilman – Poster
6. Profile of drowning deaths at swimming pools and bathtubs in Brazil – A 9-years evaluation (2003-2011) – Szpilman – Poster
7. POOL + SAFE – a successful drowning prevention campaign in Brazil – Szpilman, Antonio Santos, Renato Harouche, Marcelo Barros de – Szpilman Oral
8. Pool water safety signage – A Brazilian proposal – Szpilman e SOBRASA BOD – Poster(Oral)
9. Pool lifeguards’ certification – how is the education process in Brazil? – Szpilman e SOBRASA BOD – Poster
10. Water safety certification for swimming pools – A new Brazilian proposal – Szpilman and SOBRASA BOD – Poster
11. Drowning prevention in Flood – A cartoon video produced by SOBRASA e ILS Americas – Portuguese, English and Spanish language – Szpilman, Edemilson Barros, SOBRASA BOD, Chris Brewster, Peter Davis, Leonardo Manino and Fabian D´Eramo. SOBRASA, CBMPR, and ILS Americas – Oral
12. How can lifeguards apply reasoning and decision making to work – Szpilman, Peter Davis, Vickie Schafer – Oral
13. A Brazilian water safety policy for open water swimming races – Szpilman, Carlos Eduardo Smicelato, Joel Prates Pedroso, Onir Mocellin, Jefferson Vilela, Paulo André da Silva Barroso, Jorge Evaldo Cerqueira, Márcio Morato, Marcelo Barros de Vasconcellos, Edemilson de Barros, Fabio Braga, João José da Silva Júnior – Poster
14. Can a lack of domestic water trigger an imminent drowning disaster? – Szpilman – Poster
15. National Security Force’s role in mitigation of aquatic disasters in Brazil – Maj Arthur e Szpilman – Poster
16. Quick response to maritime and riverine emergencies in brazil – a diagnosis of maritime services – Smicelato e Szpilman – Poster
17. Rescue crafts operators – reinforcing the use of personal protective equipment – Smicelato e Szpilman – Poster
18. Role of Lifesaving Sport events as a drowning prevention tool – case study in Brazil – Romero e Szpilman – Poster
19. START method as a triage tool for aquatic disaster situations – Rafael Oliveira, Szpilman e Catarina CBMSC – Oral
20. Drowning of children in the Federal District (Brazil) – a case study – TC Tusi CBMDF – Oral
21. 6.000 kids water safety primary school education – the campaign SD Monica – Poster
22. Shark attack in Brazil (Pernambuco) – How lifeguard are dealing with? – André Ferraz – ORAL
23. Endemic study of drowning deaths in the state of Pernambuco – André Ferraz – ORAL
24. Drowning at the State of Parana – Schinda, Deitos e Szpilman – Oral
25. Cause classification of drowning deaths in the river basins of Paraná state: probable cause, activities and locations – Schinda, Deitos e Szpilman – Poster
26. Drowning prevention measures directed at a river basin: a new strategy – SCHINDA, Antonio DEITOS, Roberto Antonio – Poster
27. Voluntary Master lifeguard – Maj Rodrigo – Oral
28. Influence of national partnerships at reducing the number of coastal drowning incidents – Paulo, Nuno e Olga – Oral
29. SEGMAR: a data collection system to follow as example of good practice – Olga, Paulo, Nuno – Oral
30. SURF SAVE – extending the concept from Brazil to Portugal – Olga, Szpilman, Catarina, Paulo e Nuno Leitão – Oral
31. Multicenter Drowning registry on epidemiological, prevention, rescue and life-support data – Szpilman e Ana Catarina – Oral
32. IDRA – the proposal of a International Drowning Research Alliance (Partnership) – Szpilman, Ana Catarina, Joost Bierens, Mike Tipton, Jonathon Webber, Roberto Barcala, Justin Smpsrott – Poster
33. Role of “Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos” (ISN) in the development of lifesaving within the Portuguese-speaking countries – Paulo, Szpilman, Nuno e Olga – Oral
34. Wave height during the best days for beach attendance varies markedly worldwide – lessons for beach safety knowledge transfer – Rui e Catarina – Oral
35. Mobile Centre of Coordination and Pre-hospital Care: better working conditions, greater productivity, and increased efficiency of assistance – Catarina e SANAS – Poster
36. Junior Lifeguard Educational Program – 10 year perspective of program implementation in Portugal – Antonio Mestre e Rodrigo Costa Resgate – Oral
37. Drowning mitigation in swift water situation at Parana State, Brazil – Icaro Gabriel Greinert – Oral
38. Drowning Science will benefit from research conducted by experienced lifeguards assisted by academics – Practical example – Catarina e David Szpilman – Oral

Picture of Dr David Szpilman

Dr David Szpilman

Dr David Szpilman - Sócio Fundador, Ex-Presidente, Ex-Diretor Médico e atual Secretário-Geral da SOBRASA; Ten Cel Médico RR do CBMERJ; Médico do Município do Rio de Janeiro; Membro do Conselho Médico e Prevenção da International Lifesaving Federation - ILS; Membro da Câmara Técnica de Medicina Desportiva do CREMERJ.